Financial Education for Marketing

Explained: Side Pocketing – An Example of How Investment Risk Actually Works in Practice

This article is a case study of how the degree of risk in an investment can suddenly change. An investment that is considered safe can almost overnight become a dead investment and investors lose in the resulting volatility of price fluctuations. The financial sector knows how to hide truth Whatever else one may say of… Continue reading Explained: Side Pocketing – An Example of How Investment Risk Actually Works in Practice

Finance for Life Insurance

How do you compare the return of risky investments with that of lower risk investments?

There are thousands of mutual funds. They invest money in shares, debt (especially corporate debt), gold, real estate, foreign exchange, commodities, etc. You will agree that the prices of the assets in which mutual funds invest constantly change, moving up or down. Any investment in such assets is therefore subject to the investment risks of… Continue reading How do you compare the return of risky investments with that of lower risk investments?