Finance for Life Insurance · Financial Education for Marketing · Sales Process

Human Life Value is a Financial Asset – Part 1

Give this idea a thought. The Human Life Value (HLV) of an individual is a financial asset, like any other financial asset. It is not a tangible asset like a life insurance policy or a fixed deposit. There is no document that proves its existence. There is no document that indicates the HLV of an… Continue reading Human Life Value is a Financial Asset – Part 1

Objection Handling · Sales Process

Corona Strategy 4 – Do not even attempt meeting the customer NOW

Building customer trust is as much of what you should say and do, as it is on what you should not say or do. On 13th April I had written on a strategy (Read Corona Strategy 3 )to follow for building customer relationship and customer trust, on what you should say or do. This article… Continue reading Corona Strategy 4 – Do not even attempt meeting the customer NOW

Finance for Life Insurance · Financial Education for Marketing

What is CAGR? How should it be used in investment decision-making?

The Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) is a frequently mentioned rate in investment analysis. When you hold investments for a number of years, in some years the rates are higher than in other years. The rates keep changing from year-to–year. The CAGR smoothens a number of annual rates that an investment may give over a… Continue reading What is CAGR? How should it be used in investment decision-making?

Finance for Life Insurance

Pension Payouts Cannot be Flexible

It was reported in Mint (NPS Pension Payouts to become Flexible, 2 March 2020) that the Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA) is working on alternatives to the National Pension Scheme (NPS). Amongst the proposals being considered are to offer a Systematic Withdrawal Plan (SWP) and a Variable Annuity Plan (VAP). What do these… Continue reading Pension Payouts Cannot be Flexible

Financial Education for Marketing

How Financial Advisors Fool You

Recently I received a mail from a financial advisor that I should invest in corporate bonds for high returns and the advisor gave a few options for investment. One of the options I am reproducing below. Subsequently in this article I shall show you how the information is mis-leading. The promotional Email informationEarn 11.50% Fixed… Continue reading How Financial Advisors Fool You