Finance for Life Insurance · Sales Process

Traditional Endowment vs. Term Insurance

Many agents are faced with a serious issue while selling life insurance. The younger customers tend to think that it is better to buy term insurance instead of traditional endowment insurance. The popular feeling is that traditional endowment insurance is low return and therefore not worth it. Instead with the same money if one buys… Continue reading Traditional Endowment vs. Term Insurance

Finance for Life Insurance · Objection Handling · Sales Process

Human Life Value Part II: Selling to HNIs

Have you been trying to sell life insurance to a HNI? Don’t. Death Benefit is not what HNIs want to buy HNIs are not inclined to buy life insurance. A successful person does not want to hear of death. He or she wants to hear something more positive. A person who is not a HNI… Continue reading Human Life Value Part II: Selling to HNIs

Finance for Life Insurance · Financial Education for Marketing · Sales Process

Human Life Value is a Financial Asset – Part 1

Give this idea a thought. The Human Life Value (HLV) of an individual is a financial asset, like any other financial asset. It is not a tangible asset like a life insurance policy or a fixed deposit. There is no document that proves its existence. There is no document that indicates the HLV of an… Continue reading Human Life Value is a Financial Asset – Part 1

Finance for Life Insurance · Financial Education for Marketing · Sales Process

How do Mutual Funds Invest Your Money?

There is a lot of hype that mutual funds earn a lot of money. It is only hype. In reality they do not. In fact roughly half of all mutual funds (equity and debt, and index funds included) earn less than 8 % p.a. The Pressure on the Investment Manager to Perform The hype leads… Continue reading How do Mutual Funds Invest Your Money?

Finance for Life Insurance · Financial Education for Marketing

What is CAGR? How should it be used in investment decision-making?

The Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) is a frequently mentioned rate in investment analysis. When you hold investments for a number of years, in some years the rates are higher than in other years. The rates keep changing from year-to–year. The CAGR smoothens a number of annual rates that an investment may give over a… Continue reading What is CAGR? How should it be used in investment decision-making?

Finance for Life Insurance · Financial Education for Marketing

When do you earn money on ULIPs or Mutual Funds?

Simply buying a ULIP or a mutual fund does not get you returns, no matter what the past history of return on the fund was. In fact never look at the past history. There are two circumstances when you have a higher possibility to earn money on ULIPs. The two conditions are When you buy… Continue reading When do you earn money on ULIPs or Mutual Funds?

Finance for Life Insurance · Financial Education for Marketing

Pension Schemes should be Defined Benefit

The National Pension Scheme offers investors options in the kind of investment fund they would like to invest, based on their risk appetite. Among the options are equity based investments, where up to 50 % and up to 75 % of the invested amount is invested in equities or shares. The primary objective of choosing… Continue reading Pension Schemes should be Defined Benefit