Objection Handling · Online Coaching

Objections Arise because of What We Say

Let me correct myself. The type of objections we face in the sales process is because of what we say, how we say it and when we say it.

When we make our points

A very important point that we wish to make if it is made without an adequate introduction to the point creates objections. It is important to know when to make the point we wish to make.

What we say

If we mention points that have no relevance to the purchase decision of the customer, it creates objections. The purchase decision of the customer is purely based on his or her needs. A point that is not related to his or her needs creates objections. What we say is a big source of objections.

How we say it

Not choosing the right words to make our point and saying it in an abrupt manner or summary manner creates objections. How we make our point also creates objections.

It is because of these characteristics of objections, we need to study the basics of objection handling and practice it regularly – as long as you are in the business of selling life insurance.

Come to IIST for a Unique Learning Experience

Learn a simple method of handling objections that is practical and is followed by highly successful agents world wide.

Global Best Practices, Indianised

Learn from the best practices from across the world that has been wholly Indianising by IIST. Look Global Act Local. IIST brings to you a unique technique of handling objections. IIST has been certified , as Quality in Business, by the International Trade Council, Washington for such efforts.

Join the course SHAKTI for Objection Handling NOW!

Duration: Minimum 10 hours, but will continue till all topics are satisfactorily covered. Will be conducted over 2 to 3 weeks @ 2 hours per day for 3 days a week

Start Date: 5 November 2020. Last date for registration: 4 November 2020.

Teaching Method: This is an interactive program. We will give you assignments and conduct many role plays. We will provide individual mentoring so that you master the technique being taught.

Benefits you will receive: An objection handling technique that will help you to enjoy selling life insurance, face fewer objections, be able to handle objections (provided you put in the efforts to learn), and close more sales.

Join Now! Click on Google Forms link https://forms.gle/jKaZB9bXhQXjkkkE6 to Register for the Course SHAKTI for Objection Handling. If unable to click copy and paste the link in your web browser.

Call or WhatsApp 87679 59816 for more details. Brochure is given below.

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