Think of it. As agents, we put in a lot of efforts to learn products. We also put in a lot of efforts to learn the proposal form completion procedures. We learn up a lot about medical underwriting and financial underwriting. We spend a lot of time trying to learn how to pitch a product. All this knowledge is good and necessary. But all this knowledge is of use only when the prospect decides to hear us or he decides to buy. But what about the process before that?
Hurdles before buying a policy
Before the prospect decides to buy or even listen to us, there is one thing that keeps coming in our way – Objections. How often do you get caught in the stalling objections of prospects, unable to close a sale?
Countless Objections
What do we face in this selling process? Objections. Countless and numerous objections that seem almost impossible to handle or answer. Numerous visits to the prospect’s home, equal number of rejections, prospect not even answering phone calls and all the other frustrations we face on a day-to-day basis. All before a prospect agrees to listen to us or buy from us.
Are we addressing our problem sufficiently?
If objections are a part and parcel of selling life insurance, are we putting in sufficient efforts to learn objection handling. Or do we leave it to chance – if we manage to handle fine, if not bad luck.
It need not be that way. Like all other subjects, objection handling too has a technique, a method, a process and a few principles. Do we seek answers to the common underlying principles to handle all objections?
Simplify your objection handling technique
Objection handling can be made simple by learning the principles of objection handling. Instead of concentrating a lot on how to handle a specific objections, such as say “No money” of “low returns” etc., we should learn a technique that teaches us the basic principles of handling all objections. The answer to an objection may change from one objection to another, from one situation to another, from one person to another, but the method of handling can be the same. The method is the technique. IIST teaches you the method, the technique.
Have you learnt the principles of objection handling?
Learning principles teaches you to handle almost any objection. Like in cricket, there are techniques and principles of batting. If you learn those principles of batting, you can hope to master batting. Similarly, if you learn the principles of objection handling, you develop the capacity to handle most of the objections you face.
The Institute of Insurance Sales Training (IIST) is the only institution in the country to bring you these principles in a systematic and scientific coaching program. Not only coaching, IIST will mentor you with individual attention so that you learn at a pace where you can practice what you learn.
Come enjoy the IIST teaching experience!
It is designed to help you actually learn. We do not lecture. We give you assignments. We conduct role plays so that you can practice during the online session and also teach you how to practice on your own.
We teach and give you SHAKTI – Skills Habits Attitudes and Knowledge through Training Interventions – the four things that every life insurance sales person must possess to succeed.
Join the SHAKTI for Objection Handling Online Course. Starting 5 November. Register by clicking on the Google Forms link Fee Rs. 2,950. See Brochure below for more details or call/WhatsApp 8767959816