Sales Process

Corona Strategy – 4: Talk to your market and provide support

The pandemic does not seem to be receding. Every day we hear of depressing news of more infections, more deaths and sufferings of people who have lost their jobs or their business. Life insurance agents too are in two minds: Should we go to the market or not? Many half-baked ideas of digital marketing are doing the rounds. All which is more confusing that revealing. In this situation what should the insurance field force do?

What I had mentioned earlier

Recall my earlier article Start Communicating with Your Customers on this subject. Please click on the link above to read the article.

Inaction is suicidal for business

Going further there are some very important things you can do and things that you should not do, unless asked to by the prospect.

First, the things you should not do

Do not call up a prospect and immediately start talking about business. This is a tricky thing. You are wanting to talk about business but the prospect wants to avoid it. Especially on the phone. Unless of course the prospect raises the point on his or her own. If you start talking business to an unprepared or under-prepared prospect the chances are you will lose the prospect forever. You cannot be seen as a person who is making money because others are unfortunate to have lost their job. Hence apply a lot of judgement before you start talking business on the phone.

What are the things you can do

You can for example call all your relatives, friends, past customers, past prospects who have rejected your earlier proposals, etc. Make a list and call 20 persons everyday. Preferably video call.

Empathize with your contacts

Find out from the prospect the problems they are facing and empathize with them. Some one in their family or friend circle might have lost their lives, a few others may have got COVID and have come out of it. Many others would have lost their jobs and see no hope of getting another job soon. Yet others would have lost their business income, either shutting shop permanently or temporarily. A lot many people would have taken loans to survive. The list of miseries is very long.

Talk to the people in your list. 20 per day. Find the problems they are facing. Empathize with them. Show them that you care. Show them that you would like to help them in some way, however small. Just listening to their problems is also a great help for people to get over their frustration.

Use your contacts for your prospects

In case you are on social networking groups, like LinkedIn, WhatsApp, Facebook, check to see if the prospect can find a job through your contacts on these sites. You do the search and inform your prospect. Help the prospect now. This is the period you have to be with the prospect. In his or her hour of need.

If you have been an agent for a long time, you would have customers who can help. Get in touch with them to help your prospects.

Make a list of all the ways in which you can help

List the many ways in which you can give moral support and also actual support. Reach out to the persons in your list. A little empathy now will give you rich dividends very soon. Build your loyal group of prospects. It is much better than sitting at home and getting frustrated, or feeling frightened. Be proactive. Be positive. Take control of the current situation.

Do not forget training

At the same time do not forget training. Train yourself in new knowledge, skills and techniques, so that you are ready and better prepared for the good times when they come.

Success is not a matter of chance, but a matter of choice

As the legendary agent Tony Gordon says, Success is not a matter of chance, but a matter of choice. Make the correct choice today. Start talking to your current customers, past customers, those who refused to buy from you, your near and dear ones, your friends and relatives. START NOW!

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