Objection Handling · Sales Process

Corona Strategy 4 – Do not even attempt meeting the customer NOW

Building customer trust is as much of what you should say and do, as it is on what you should not say or do. On 13th April I had written on a strategy (Read Corona Strategy 3 )to follow for building customer relationship and customer trust, on what you should say or do. This article is about what you should not do.

There is fear all round

In the current scenario, almost all persons are following self-isolation and social distancing voluntarily. What does this mean? It means that people are apprehensive of the effects of the corona virus. There are all kinds of news items. People are reading, for example, about asymptomatic spread of the virus. This is frightening.

What does asymptomatic mean?

It means that a person carrying the virus, does not know that he or she is carrying it. This is because the person does not have any symptoms that are normally attached to a virus infection. There is no cold, no cough, no fever. But the person is infected. One could potentially meet a person who seems perfectly normal, but who could probably be carrying the corona virus. The virus can also spread from such a person, when he or she comes in contact with another person.

How does this concern us?

First of all we should take of ourselves and our families. We should not be moving in the field for business or for personal work. For the next few weeks a responsible behavior will produce immense benefit for self and family and to society.

Do not meet customers against their will

Equally important, put yourself in your customer’s shoes. The customer is also reading such reports and would naturally be apprehensive about meeting any person. So the important rule to follow to build customer trust is to not meet the customer. Not meeting the customer face-to-face is a very important strategy to follow to get business for this financial year.

No one wants contact with outside

In many housing colonies, across the country, the housing society has formed rules to disallow residents from moving out or vendors and others from entering. In many villages, the villagers have stopped outsiders from entering the village.

It will only backfire

When the level of the scare is so high, please do not even attempt a physical meeting. Not only will you be refused an appointment, you will be classified as an insensitive person solely interested in commissions. Do all in your power to avoid such situations. Attempts on your part to meet customers face-to-face will backfire. Almost all will deny the appointment.

Use this time to build trust

This is the time to build trust. Read my article (Corona Strategy 3) to know how to build trust. Wait for the period when the fears subside. If in the meanwhile you have built a good rapport with your customers, a subsequent visit to their homes will be very productive. Wait for the period when this can be done in a fearless environment.

The wait may be long, but it will be worth it

We do not know how long this period will last. It could last anywhere from a few weeks to a few months. But all you can do on this period is wait patiently, undertake activities mentioned in Corona Strategy 3 . Most importantly, you can use this period to add to your knowledge and skills so that you are better equipped to sell once things get better in the market.

Sell Risks Not Returns
Returns are Uncertain, Risks are Certain

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