Sales Process

Hello Life Insurance Sales Persons!


Agents, Direct Marketing Executives, Senior Business Associates, Development Officers, Chief Life Insurance Advisors, Unit Managers, Sales Managers, Agency Managers, Branch Managers, Business Associates, Corporate Agents, Brokers and all others involved in marketing and selling life insurance products

This Blog is for YOU

YOU the life Insurance sales person will Help India Insure themselves

Welcome to the Knowledge Center of life insurance selling

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Selling life insurance is the toughest sales job on earth. It is to your credit that you have taken up this noble profession and are at your job of selling day in and day out. It demands a lot of will power and determination. It requires a lot of motivation to face rejections in the market on a daily basis. It requires regular and continuous training to come up with new ideas to sell life insurance.

Help India Insure has been created for YOU, by The Institute of Insurance Sales Training (IIST), as an online forum for you to learn how to be a highly successful life insurance sales person. This is the place to visit regularly for your knowledge and skill needs to sell. Even experienced sales persons will gain through the Help India Insure Blog

The Blog Help India Insure has been created by professionals with decades of experience in life insurance and in life insurance sales training to help agents and others selling life insurance to continuously upgrade their knowledge.

You will get your daily dose of ideas and motivation. Over a period of time the Blog will be a storehouse of knowledge and information on the subject of life insurance sales.


Experience the pleasure of selling!

Experienced and successful agents will tell you that selling life insurance is a pleasure. In fact all of them say that selling life insurance has made their personal life much better. The reason? They have learnt the skills of selling life insurance and also have learnt that discipline is the only way to be successful. This site Help India Insure will help you to do that. You will

  • Learn the power of discipline and daily routines for work
  • Learn how to handle objections
  • Learn how to prospect
  • Learn how to get appointments
  • Learn how to reach the emotional side of your customers
  • Learn how to close faster and to provide your customers adequate life insurance
  • And many more practical selling issues and concepts

Help India Insure will help you realize your dreams

At the same time

We should also learn to sell RISKS not returns

In the last few years the life insurance market has changed a lot. One of the biggest changes that has taken place is that the customer is now looking at life insurance as an investment product and not merely as a life risk protection product or a subsidiary savings product. We must meet this challenge. Learn the knowledge necessary to handle investment based objections, practice the skills required to present investment related matters to customers (in addition to product information and traditional selling skills) and be seen by the customer as a professional who can undertake long term financial planning. This is the modern day challenge to the life insurance sales person.

Learn how to operate in a world where life insurance is a part of the financial decision making and financial planning of customers. Learn the advantages of life insurance over all other financial products, such as mutual funds, shares, debentures, bank deposits, post office savings, provident fund, etc.

As a financial product, life insurance is all about managing risks. It is purchased to protect one’s family against the risk of dying too early or protect oneself from the risk of living too long. It is also purchased to protect one’s savings and investments from the risks of loss in financial markets, especially where the investment is highly risky. The function of life insurance products is to protect the policy holder from all such risks.

If life insurance products are all about managing life’s risks and investment risks,

Why should we sell on the basis of returns?

We should change with time and learn to sell life insurance on the basis of risk management – both life’s risks and investment risks.

Sales persons of other financial products sell on the basis of returns, because their products (such as mutual funds and shares) do not address the issues of risk management as comprehensively as life insurance products. But not for us. We have one of the best financial products and we should be proud of the products we are selling.

In financial management, risk and return are two sides of the same coin. The relationship between risk and return can be best described as

The higher the risk in investments, the higher the expected return.

When a customer is told that on a particular investment he or she can expect a higher return, he or she is actually being told (though in reality no sales person tells them this) that on that investment he or she faces a higher risk. But sales persons selling high risk investments on the basis of returns do not actually tell the customer of the risks of investing in a particular investment. It is time to correct this. We will teach you how. Visit Help India Insure site regularly to learn the tools and techniques to sell life insurance successfully as one of the many financial products in the markets.

Scientifically speaking whether we are selling on the basis of risks or on the basis of returns it is one and same thing. Since we, the life insurance sales persons, are uniquely placed to sell on the basis of risks (and no other financial product has this privileged characteristic), we should stick to our strong point. The Institute of Insurance Sales Training (IIST) through Help India Insure will teach you how – in  a scientific, systematic and ethical manner. And YOU the life insurance sales person will Help India (to) Insure.

Help India Insure is designed to give you the strength of knowledge and skills to sell on the basis of risks and also give life insurance products their due place in the world of all the other financial products. Help India Insure will help you handle objections on returns in a scientific and ethical manner.

For the First Time in the Country – The IIST Club


Help India Insure will soon be starting soon a club exclusively for life insurance sales professionals in India. Called the IIST Club, it will have many benefits for the sales persons. Membership is open to all persons working as sales persons – Agents, Direct Marketing Executives, Senior Business Associates, Development Officers, Chief Life Insurance Advisors, Unit Managers, Sales Managers, Agency Managers, Business Associates, and sales persons with Corporate Agents/Brokers

As a member of IIST Club you will get

  • Exclusive membership of a rapidly growing prestigious professional group
  • Exclusive knowledge of proprietary SHAKTI  sales tools and techniques (these are today the most commonly used tools and techniques in the life insurance sector in India – only for IIST Club members and IIST trainees)
  • Exclusive knowledge for handling objections on finance related matters with unique SHAKTI tools
  • Exclusive knowledge of proprietary SHAKTI  tools and techniques of selling on the basis of risk management (these are unique and available for the first time in the country, only for members of IIST club and IIST trainees) rather than returns on products
  • Special discounts for talks and video shows of successful agents
  • Special discounts for monthly town level monthly Club meetings
  • Special discounts for training programs of IIST
  • Special discounts for National and Zonal level Club meetings
  • And much more

Look out for the Announcement! Coming Soon! We are framing the rules for the Club. Once that is finished we will be making the announcement.

IIST has been coaching life insurance sales persons for the since 2005. In all these years IIST has helped many agents qualify for MDRT/COT/TOT, IIST has helped many development officers achieve high performances, has helped many branch managers (both in the public and private sectors) achieve dream performances.

Make IIST YOUR Institution for YOUR progress

IIST Club – Coming your way to help you along the path to great success


10 thoughts on “Hello Life Insurance Sales Persons!

  1. I am development officer at Bareli branch division bhopal in LIC OF INDIA. I have joined your session in LIC. Further I joined more training sessions but you have no comparison. No body is near you. You are providing a real knowledge based training. You know the depth of selling and also ensure its delivery. I have applied your training material in field and really it works. Thanks. I want to be with you further.

    1. Dear Mr. Satish Kumar, It is very nice to hear from you and even better to know that you are implementing the training inputs. Wish you all the best. Do read this blog regularly you will gain a lot of inputs to counter the objections on mutual funds. Together let us all put life insurance high on the investment agenda of customers.
      Warm Regards, N. Ashok Kumar

  2. Help india Insure has made learning about life insurance market as well as financiall market easy and simple. Concept of IIST Club really unique.

  3. I am one of the SBA of Barasat Branch, KSDO, Eastern Zone and joined your training session in Puri. The totality of the programme is charming. The skill based training is really helpful. I want to try to implement the training materials in my agents and to tell the customer also through agents and educated the agents and customers also. Your website will help the Insurance Marketers specially to upgrade their knowledge.

  4. Sir, please specify RBI site or other site where from I can ask my hni client to check the data for2016- 17, in relation where I ndian saves .I have tried buta big book with many pages has been downloaded,but they don’t have that much of patience to read , they demand specific site address for their quarry. Please help. Pranam Kousik

    1. Thank you Kousik for your attention to detail. Normally I mention the source in the article itself but I seem ot have missed out on this one. The data given in the article is based on early estimates by RBI. Now they have removed that data and have published the same as preliminary data. The data is subject to further revisions. The preliminary data will be corrected and reported shortly as provisional data before it is finally reported as final data. The preliminary data can be sourced through the following link Thank you for pointing this out to me. I am now entering the link in the article also. Ashok Kumar

  5. Excellent presentation sir, really helpful to all marketing professional. Keep it on.,

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